Defense Against Arson Charges
Under New York law, arson is a crime that involves starting a fire or creating an explosion that results in property damage, injury or death. Arson can involve a fire set to a property or to a motor vehicle. The penalties for a conviction of arson can be severe, with the most egregious examples potentially resulting in life imprisonment without parole. With stakes this high, it is critical to find a lawyer who knows how to defend you against these charges. Do not settle for the public defender or for an inexperienced lawyer, and certainly do not try to provide your own defense.
Talk with attorney Raji S. Zeidan, founding attorney of The Law Office of Raji S. Zeidan, PC. Serving Ulster, Dutchess County and the Greater Hudson Valley areas of New York, the firm provides strong defense against a range of criminal charges. Attorney Zeidan has been offering dedicated, personalized service and aggressive defense solutions for over a decade. Get The Law Office of Raji S. Zeidan, PC, to ensure that you get the legal representation that you need and deserve and get the results you need.
Five Degrees Of Arson In New York State
Arson has five degrees of severity:
- Arson in the fifth degree: This is the least serious degree of arson. It involves intentionally setting fire to someone else’s property or causing an explosion. It is considered a Class A misdemeanor that could be punished by up to a year in jail.
- Arson in the fourth degree: Fourth-degree arson is a Class E felony that could result in up to four years imprisonment. This level of arson involves setting a fire or explosion that recklessly damages property.
- Arson in the third degree: This level of arson involves more serious damage than the previous levels, and as a Class C felony, a conviction for 3rd degree arson could bring a sentence of anywhere from five to 15 years in prison.
- Arson in the second degree: Second-degree arson involves the same elements as the previous degrees of the crime: intentionally starting a fire or explosion that damages a building or motor vehicle. This crime differs, however, in that it involves another person present in the building or vehicle at the time of the crime. A conviction of second-degree arson can result in up to 25 years in prison.
- Arson in the first degree: A charge of 1st degree arson includes setting a fire or explosion like the other forms of arson, but it also includes serious physical injury or death and it is motivated by some type of financial gain. The penalty for first-degree arson, a Class A-I felony, is anywhere from 15 years to life without parole.
Any level of arson is potentially catastrophic, with serious penalties and the loss of your freedom. Attorney Raji Zeidan will work diligently in representing you to ensure that you receive the best possible result.
Contact An Experienced Defense Lawyer Today
Fight aggressively against arson charges. Call 845-233-6704 or contact the firm online today.